Peppermint Oil For Hair

The Top 4 Benefits Of Peppermint Oil For Natural Textures

From TikTok to Refinery 29, it seems we’re constantly bombarded with the latest & greatest hair products for curly hair—so much so that a mere search for more organic solutions for hair health can feel downright dizzying.

But here’s a trend you should definitely pay attention to: Peppermint Oil for hair. While peppermint is typically aligned with the sweet, festive scent of the holidays & the refreshment of oral care, its oil is currently undergoing a makeover as a stellar option for rejuvenating the integrity & radiance of your strands.

Keep reading as we uncover the science behind the potential benefits of peppermint essential oil for natural hair & why you might just want to find a way to incorporate it into your curly hair care routine.

#1 May Promote Hair Growth

Natural hair is breathtaking. It can be sassy & adorable or beautiful & romantic, all depending on how you style it.

But if growing your natural hair long is at the top of your wish list, consider adding Peppermint Oil to your online cart or actively seeking out curly hair care products that contain it.

True: Research on peppermint oil’s impact on hair growth is still in its infancy, but an animal study from 2014 found that peppermint oil performed better than a placebo, jojoba oil & minoxidil—the stuff that’s used in Rogaine.1

So, how does it work?

  • Researchers discovered that Peppermint Oil promotes blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • This increase in circulation is believed to stimulate hair & urge it to grow faster & longer.

Even better? There were no adverse side effects.

All that said, more research needs to be performed (specifically, on humans) to verify its efficacy.

Alternative Solution

PATTERN’s Treatment Mask is made with ingredients like Moringa Seed Extract & Rice Water Ferment to repair damaged strands & facilitate hair growth. Regardless of your curl type, this hair mask for curly hair is a versatile option for anyone looking to treat their curls to a little extra TLC.

#2 Curbs Inflammation

Most of us are aware that chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on our brains & bodies, leading to everything from weight gain & fatigue in the short term to rheumatoid arthritis & cancer in the long run.2

But did you know that your scalp can suffer from inflammation too? Scalp health is more important than you might think.

Product that results in scalp build up blocks your hair follicles, harsh chemicals & overwashing can cause inflammation & may result in:3

  • Scalp tension & pain
  • Flakes & patchiness
  • Redness

Peppermint Oil for the scalp may help mitigate this:4 It creates a cooling, relaxing sensation that might soothe inflammation & relieve tension headaches.5

Alternative Solution

PATTERN’s Scalp Serum was designed to calm irritation & provide a relief from consistent tight, protective styles for transitioning hair. One of its key ingredients? Peppermint, of course.

#3 Boosts Thickness

The same process by which peppermint oil may encourage hair growth—what’s technically known as vasodilation, or a widening of your blood vessels—may also foster thicker, more luxuriant strands.

Alternative Solution

Enhance your peppermint oil hair routine with PATTERN’s Leave-in Conditioner. This creamy, delicious-scented leave-in conditioner for curly hair seals in moisture with the inclusion of castor oil, which is known to help strengthen hair, reduce natural hair breakage—& give you a supple, shiny mane.6

#4 Crushes Build-Up

Sebum, dirt, pollution, sweat, your tried & true products—all can lead to scalp build up & cause that inflammation we spoke of earlier while also inhibiting hair growth & damaging your strands. Peppermint oil’s natural antimicrobial properties can help reduce this accumulation to leave you with a healthier, fresher scalp & head of hair.

Alternative Solution

Searching for a curl cleansing shampoo? Give PATTERN’s Cleansing Shampoo a whirl. It strips your hair of any residue that’s lingered behind without robbing your hair of its natural oil, thanks to natural ingredients like:

  • Matcha green tea
  • Aloe vera
  • Panthenol

How Should You Use Peppermint Oil For Curly Hair?

First things first: Before using pure peppermint oil for hair, be sure that your scalp & strands agree with it.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends performing a patch test on your arm (ideally, on its underside) with new products for seven days.7 If you don’t have any noticeable sensitivity to peppermint oil, you should be good to go. Just be sure you mix it with your shampoo or a carrier oil such as:

  • Coconut oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Olive oil
  • Argan oil
  • Shea oil

With that established, keep in mind that dermatologists recommend refraining from using peppermint oil on a parched scalp & brittle, fragile hair: It may trigger irritation, & the peppermint oil benefits for hair may be moot.8

Plump Up Your Strands with PATTERN

To recap: Is peppermint oil good for your hair? In a word: yes, although we’re just now starting to unlock just how beneficial it can be for our strands.

In the meantime, PATTERN has you amply covered. With a full range of curly hair products & styling products containing scientifically-backed ingredients, we have precisely what you need to elevate your hair’s texture & bring out its natural striking beauty.


  1. Oh, Ji Young et al. “Peppermint Oil Promotes Hair Growth without Toxic Signs.” Toxicological research vol. 30,4 (2014): 297-304. doi:10.5487/TR.2014.30.4.297
  2. Santos-Longhurst, Adrienne. "Understanding and managing chronic inflammation." Healthline. Updated 17 March, 2023.
  3. Schneider, Jamie. "4 signs of scalp inflammation." MindBodyGreen. 14 December, 2019.
  4. Guld, Hallie. "Peppermint oil for hair: benefits and how to use it." Byrdie. Updated 26 August, 2022.
  5. Kligler, Benjamin, and Sapna Chaudhary. “Peppermint oil.” American family physician vol. 75,7 (2007): 1027-30.
  6. Fletcher, Jenna et al. "9 natural ways to get thicker." Medical News Today. Updated 14 December, 2022.
  7. "How to test skin care products." American Academy of Dermatology Association.
  8. Leitner, Brittany. "Is peppermint oil for hair growth worth trying?" Shape. 12 January, 2022.
