The Top 4 Benefits of Sea Moss For Curly Hair

The Top 4 Benefits of Sea Moss For Curly Hair

Sea Moss has been the talk of the health & beauty world recently, touted for everything from skin rejuvenation to gut health. If you follow health & beauty influencers on social media, you’ve probably also seen claims that Sea Moss benefits for hair range from hair growth, to boosting length, to making hair shinier & stronger. 

But are the Moss benefits for curly & coily hair too good to be true? 

In fact, Sea Moss is packed with nutrients—so there’s good reason to think it could support your curls. But don’t just take our word for it. Many amazing benefits of this all-natural ingredient are backed by solid research. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at the science behind Sea Moss & find out how it can help you achieve even more glorious curls.

#1 It Provides Natural Hydration 

One of the main components of Sea Moss is carrageenan. Carrageenan is a gel-like substance made up of sugar molecules (yep, it’s edible). But it’s a special type of sugar molecule that works especially well in natural hair styling products because it binds to water. 

When you apply carrageenan to your hair, it pulls in water molecules & creates a film around the hair strand. This film can help to seal the cuticle & reinforce hair strength. 

Better yet, it’s a film that breaks down easily when you shampoo. This means you’ll have no worries about hard-to-remove buildup like you might have with other ingredients that coat the hair shaft, like some silicones.

#2 It Can Help with Detangling & Definition

Wondering how to detangle hair & how Sea Moss can help? The film raw Sea Moss creates around your cuticle doesn’t just reinforce the hair shaft. It also gives a power-up to curl definition while adding slip. This is why Sea Moss works so well as a detangler for curly hair & even as a leave-in conditioner for wash-and-go styles. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to use raw Sea Moss on your hair to obtain its benefits. These days, you can find products like the PATTERN Detangling Nectar that incorporate Sea Moss into powerful detangling formulas made just for your curls & coils.

Sea moss for hair as a natural boost to hydration, strength & shine? Sounds like a recipe for bouncy, beautiful curls to us.

#3 It Can Promote Scalp Health

Sea moss & other seaweed types have been studied extensively for a wide variety of health benefits. Sea moss is loaded with antioxidants, nutrients that play a vital role in whole-body wellness. 

So, what does this mean for your hair? Well, antioxidants have been shown to support skin health by:

  • Protecting skin
  • Helping cell growth & metabolism
  • Powering collagen synthesis

Some studies have also found that Sea Moss can help treat skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis & dandruff. 

Healthy skin equals a healthy scalp, & that’s the root—literally—of healthy hair. 

#4 It May Help Prevent UV Damage

You may slip on your sunglasses every time you go outside & have a dedicated sunscreen application routine each morning. But how often do you think about your hair when it comes to protection from the sun?

As it turns out, Sea Moss could give your locks protection from the sun’s UV rays, as well.

Sea moss contains high amounts of one antioxidant in particular, called fucoidan. Studies have found that fucoidan can help prevent damaged hair & skin caused by UV radiation by reducing inflammation & eliminating free radicals.

Does Sea Moss Have the Potential to Support Hair Growth?

Healthy hair growth is one of the big claims surrounding Sea Moss, & it’s a tricky question. Many people say anecdotally that they’ve experienced hair growth while using Sea Moss. 

Of course, no one can promise those results & everyone’s body chemistry is different. However, there are studies supporting the possibility that Sea Moss can stimulate your hair follicle & increase hair growth. 

We also know that preventing tangles & protecting the hair shaft can help ward off unwanted natural hair breakage. This can help you achieve greater length while keeping the hair you already have fuller & stronger.  

Why Is Sea Moss Recommended Most for 3C to 4C Hair Types?

As with all curly hair types, 3C to 4C hair types are often thirsty for extra hydration. Due to the shape of the hair shaft, natural hair oils or sebum have trouble reaching the ends of your natural hair. This can leave the cuticle weaker & drier. 

Products that include Sea Moss are perfect for 3C hair to 4C hair because they can bind hydration to the cuticle. Sea moss can also make it easier to style delicate strands without breakage. 

Wondering how to incorporate Sea Moss into your curl care routine? It’s quite simple:

  1. Wash with shampoo & conditioner for curly hair.
  2. Follow with a Sea Moss detangler.
  3. Apply a product like our Strong Hold Gel & style.

Et voilà—you’ve got an easy, breezy routine that’s tailored to the needs of curly hair.

What Vitamins Does Sea Moss Contain?

Sea moss contains a variety of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants that have been shown to support healthier hair, skin & general wellness. 

Just a few of the nutrients contained in Sea Moss include:

  • B vitamins, including B2 & B12
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Iodine

Add the Benefits of Sea Moss to Your Hair Care with PATTERN

So, is Sea Moss good for hair? You’ll have to judge for yourself—but if you want more hydration, a healthy scalp, easy detangling & sun protection, we’d say your odds look good!. 

Now that you’ve got a handle on this slippery subject, it’s easy to juice your hair care routine with this wonder ingredient. All you have to do is reach for PATTERN’s Detangling Nectar & you’re on your way to tangle-free luster & shine.

With PATTERN, you can embrace your natural hair while helping it reach its true heights with our full line of curly hair products. We’re here to help you on every step of your hair care journey with guides, how-tos & tips for every curl type. 

PATTERN means beautiful curls, naturally.


Cosmetics. Seaweeds as Source of Bioactive Substances and Skin Care Therapy.  

Curly Chemistry. The Sea Moss Effect on Your Curls. 

Discover Magazine. What is Sea Moss Good For?

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology. 7-Phloroeckol promotes hair growth on human follicles in vitro. 

Nutrition and Functional Foods for Healthy Aging. Nutraceuticals for Healthy Skin Aging. 

WebMD. Health Benefits of Sea Moss. 

PATTERN Beauty. Curl Guide.
